

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES Th e rise of vehicle connectivity has presented a number of challenges for fl eets, however. While the means to acquire valuable information about commercial vehicles and their operators is readily available, the ability to manage that data and translate it into usable intelligence can be a very diffi cult undertaking. “Th e collection, management and analysis of all the data that an interconnected truck will produce can be overwhelming, requiring specialized tools and training for fl eet managers and technicians,” says Panasonic’s Lewis. “Making sense of the data needs to result in clear, actionable plans that positively improve operational results, otherwise there is little reason to adopt these new technologies.” Decisiv’s Riemer agrees, saying it’s not enough to simply know that something is happening. Fleets need to put forth a concerted eff ort to make sure their managers and technicians are techsavvy enough to interpret the information that is collected. Otherwise, employing one or more IT-specifi c employees can alleviate this challenge and help maximize the return on the investment in the technology. “Another primary challenge with connectivity is, if you lose it, you lose it all,” says Lewis. “It’s really diffi - cult to stay connected on the network when you’re crossing network lines, and that’s where in-cab mobility solutions with enterprise-grade wireless are essential. Fleets that don’t employ rugged mobile devices risk loss of revenue when they are unable to communicate with their trucks and drivers.” Data security is also a key concern for fl eets, and it should not be overlooked, says Wyn Partington, vice president of marketing for NexTraq, a provider of GPS fl eet management solutions ( “I think security is an issue, particularly when you consider connected vehicles and driverless vehicles,” he says. “Th ings are pretty secure over the Internet, but it doesn’t stop people hacking away. Th ere has to be collaboration between companies like ourselves and the OEMs to determine what can be done to a vehicle.” 1-866-RIDEAIR (743-3247) TIREMAAX® PRO IMPROVES FUEL ECONOMY EXTENDS TIRE LIFE Hendrickson never stops driving to bring innovative ride solutions to the market. The revolutionary TIREMAAX® PRO is the only automatic tire inflation system available that manages trailer tire pressure by inflating low tires, relieving pressure from overinflated tires and equalizing pressure across all wheel positions. Proper tire inflation can yield savings in labor, fuel and tires. Can you afford not to spec TIREMAAX PRO? Continued Page 12 THE ABILITY to manage the data and translate it into usable intelligence can be a difficult undertaking. Cover Story |

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