

| Heavy Duty intelligent In recent years, commercial truck Tires are going By David A. Kolman, Editor The use of RFID technology for truck tires tire manufacturers have begun embedding RFID (radio frequency identifi cation) tags (microchips) into and onto their tires because of the benefi ts RFID technology can provide to both truck fl eets and the tire manufacturers themselves. RFID is the use of radio waves to read and capture information stored on a tag attached to an object, according to offi cials at Bar Code Graphics (, a company that supplies automatic identifi cation and data capture technology. A RFID system is made up of two parts: a tag or label – embedded with a transmitter and a receiver – and a reader. Th e RFID component on the tag has two parts: a microchip that stores and processes information 14 FLEET MAINTENANCE ❚ JUNE 2016 ❚

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