OBD-II ENHANCED COMPANY NAME AE Tools Autel AutoEnginuity Autoland 18 PTEN JUNE 2016 www.VehicleServicePros.com Scientech USA Autologic Blue Streak Electronics EASE Diagnostics PRODUCT NAME Chrysler Micro- POD II MS906TS Giotto Vedis II AssistPlus Ottotest Diagnostics X2.2 Pro Scan Tool Suite Software Unit Features Cont. Touchscreen interface    Based on user's device Based on user's PC Screen size 8” 5.7" 13.3", 1366 x 768, Based on user's device Based on user's PC Printable vehicle diagnostic report capabilities   Â, through the File Manager Print function, desktop only    USB port  Required   Based on user's device  VGA port Based on user's device HDMI port Based on user's device Wireless VCI (unit-to-car capabilites)   Optional  Wi-Fi/Internet capable       Available Tool Add-Ons 5-gas analyzer  TPMS resets     TPMS relearns     Labscope capability J2534 refl ash and pass-thru diagnostic capability      Multimeter Software, Website, Support & Service Features Manufacturers warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year hardware 1 year 1 year Call-in support Unlimited 1-844-witech1 855-288-3587 480-840-5815  877-945-6442 877-916-8324 570-587-7082 Field/Rep support     Remote Length of subscription 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 or 2 years 1 year minimum 1 year/monthly Updatable via the Internet        Frequency of updates, if applicable Monthly Weekly Quarterly As-needed Monthly when available Monthly and asneeded As-needed Cost per update $1,445 per year $695 $450 per year $500 for 1 year / $800 for 2 years Included in subscription $99/Month, 6 Months in advance $0 - $495 Optional repair solutions for VIN-specifi c fi xes   Optional diagnostic and repair procedure instructions + videos Technical videos and webinars  Includes the following repair information services: Yes, with Tech authority subscription Not included but possible with web browser Interfaces with the following shop management systems iShop Most Important Feature 100 percent CAN vehicle coverage for Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Fiat TPMS activation and reset tool built into tablet Breadth and depth of coverage Comprehensive diagnostic capability, including coding and J2534 passthru. Only vehicle connected support center platform in the world Customer service and support Feature-rich scan tool software with HD graphing
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