OBD-II GENERIC COMPANY NAME Autel Automotive Test Solutions EASE Diagnostics FCAR Tech USA PRODUCT NAME MD802 Escan Pro X2.2 Pro Scan Tool - 6 PTEN JUNE 2016 www.VehicleServicePros.com Generic Software F3SW Price Less than $500   $501 to $2,000   $2,001 to $4,500 $4,501 to $10,000 Scanning Functions (1996 to Present) Reads generic data and monitors (Mode 1)     Displays freeze frame data (Mode 2)     Reads DTCs (Mode 3)     Clears all DTCs for all systems (Mode 4)     Reads test results for oxygen sensors (Mode 5)     Reads test results for other component/system monitoring (Mode 6)     IF YES ON LINE ABOVE: Provides test result defi nitions or raw hexidecimal data?    Reads pending DTCs (Mode 7)     Bi-directional control (actuator tests) (Mode 8)   Vehicle information - VIN # - (Mode 9)     Reads permanent DTCs (Mode 0A)     Other Functions Bi-directional controls  Reset oil lights   Inspection interval lights  Electronic brake service   Steering angle service  Record and play back OBD-II live data     Anti-theft/key duplication  Vehicle search capability/scanning by VIN   Live Data Stream--Digital Graphs live data on screen     Graphs multiple PIDs on screen simultaneously 2  24 3 Engine coverage - ECM (codes, data or both) Both Both Codes Both Engine and transmission coverage - PCM (codes, data or both) Both Codes Both ABS coverage (codes, data or both) Both Codes Both SRS coverage (dodes, data or both) Both Codes Both HVAC (codes, data or both) Both Codes Both OBD-I Adapters (Pre-1996) Domestic coverage  Asian coverage  European coverage Â
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